Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9

Happy Sunday! I had a great start to my day by spending my morning with a few fellow challenge buddies Jenni and Jonathan at Gold Cup Gymnastics for the Musical Theatre Dance class. Good times.

Dance/Yoga #3

Dance/Personal Fitness

Date/time - January 9, 2011, 11 a.m.

Type of class – Dance, Musical Theatre

Difficulty Level - Ummm... Intermediate???

Studio and Instructor (Include Photo) Gold Cup Gymnastics, Jonathan Ragsdale

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed taking a class that directly pertained to this challenge, and also spending time with fellow 30 day challengers. I also enjoyed dancing, because to be honest, I am just god awful at dancing although I'd like to think the opposite. I think it's essential to spend more time at getting better at it.

What did you find challenging and why? –  ANYTHING that has to do with ballet is challenging. It's almost laughable.

Observations – I have always noticed that I have a hard time learning choreography in a mirror. It's really hard to figure out left from right in the mirror. It always messes me up and by the time I figure it out, everyone has already moved on to the next eight count. It's minor, and I am getting much better at it. I really had fun today though! So glad I went! 

Healthy Meal # 8

Healthy Eating

Meal Description – Simply Orange OJ (My FAVORITE), Chocolate Chip Cliff Bar and Vanilla Protein Shake

Restaurant or Market – Whole Foods

Rating – 7.5

Not the most filling breakfast of all time, but it gave me a lot of energy for the musical theatre class, which was nice! 

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Nice long warm up to recorded Kurt warm up, scales, lip trills, scales, goo goos, yogi bear exercise, baby cries, dopey voice, mixing, middle voice, chest voice, head voice...
Minutes - 35

Repertoire - Sara Barielles, Gravity, Many the Miles and Don Henley The Heart of the Matter
Minutes – 15

Successes – Felt strong today since I got to sing in the afternoon. Hit higher notes during my warm up than I usually do. Felt a lot more fluidity than usual.

Areas for improvement – Lost concentration sometimes on keeping everything loose when singing in head voice.

Notes: Will ask my boss if I can get the time off to sing at the Senior home on Wednesday...  I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

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