Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! It was so nice to have a day off from work! I got a lot of monologue work done and was also able to sing today in the afternoon which I always love. I also got to finally see Black Swan, which I thought was amazing, as all of my friends seem to have agreed on. I always seem to be blogging at the last minute, but as soon as I get this knocked out, I'm looking forward to getting a long night of sleep! 

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Nice long warm up while cleaning my out of control kitchen and doing laundry to Kurt's recorded warm up... started with lip trills, moved to yogi bears and goo goo's, muh muh's, la la's, za za's, chest voice, middle voice, head voice, and mixing. Breathing/strengthening exercises. 
Minutes - 40 minutes.

Repertoire - Chorus line, Nothing and Sara Barellies Gravity.
Minutes – 20

Successes – Worked on character choices for Chorus Line. Had a lot of fun with that. I only have 30 seconds for the URTA audition, so listened to the song a bunch of times through and started making notes about where good places for cuts would be. 

Areas for improvement – Still need to spend more time working on mixing in head voice. It's getting much better but I need to do it more and more every day.

Notes: I went to the FA library today to find the sheet music for Nothing and they were closed. Bummer.

Healthy Meal Number 14 

Healthy Eating

Meal Description – Light Ceasar Salad

Restaurant or Market – Whole Foods

Rating – 8.5/10

Healthy Meal Number 15

Healthy Eating

Meal Description – Veggie flat bread sandwhich with mushrooms, tomato, green chili, and avocado a and grilled chicken salad

Restaurant or Market – Quiznos

Rating – 8/10

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