Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30. Is this it?

Last day! It's been great. I'm kind of sad, mostly happy, and really proud that I, and everyone else made it to the end! I haven't showered yet or gotten ready for the lunch, so I really need to post! It's been a great experience everyone! 
Daily Practice Session... Last one! Eeek...

Technical Concepts - Normal warm up, lip trill scales, yogi bears, muh muhs, chest voice, middle voice, head voice, mixing, me-ows, vowel scales, breathing/strengthening exercises. 
Minutes - 27

Repertoire - Ran through Nothing once for good measure, then went back to Many the Miles by Sara Bareilles today. It just felt appropriate for today. 
Minutes – 18

Successes – Mixing in head voice during was a little easier today but still needed work. Also was less breathy during the vowel scales.

Areas for improvement – ... except when I started getting in to head voice. I still need to work on this like I said yesterday. I have a feeling it's going to take a lot of time. I think it's just hard for me because I am still thinking about the vowels so I am holding myself from allowing myself to slide and "mix" into head voice. Practice makes perfect.

Notes: I am still planning on singing every day, regardless of this challenge. This was only the beginning. Good luck today everyone!!! 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 29... I think this should be it?!

Oh my goodness I can't believe this is the end! With an exception of daily singing for Day 30 before the brunch tomorrow... I had three more things to accomplish today to complete the challenge, and I am happy to say that I was successful in doing so. After a rough and emotional day yesterday, I was worried that I might not get what I needed to get done today, but I made it happen, and regardless of the outcome of the competition tomorrow, I came out of this challenge a better person, a more confident singer, and a more mature and happy adult who knows a little bit more about herself and there isn't a better way to come out of January than that.

Charitable Deed Number 5
I got a good night sleep for the first night in a while and enjoyed sleeping in for the first time in forever.
So this was actually the only charitable deed I had had planned from day one, but from what you can see from the before picture picture of my closet posted below, I had managed to put this off until the last day... I am blessed and lucky enough to have acquired a ridiculous amount of clothes/shoes/sweaters/jackets/you name it. Normally, I purge my closet and take my clothes to Buffalo Exchange and trade them for new clothes or just get the money that I don't even need. This time, I decided to donate my clothes to the Barrett House, where the clothes/shoes go to women/children who actually need them.

Over the last few weeks my closet has gotten out of control. Normally, I am really organized, and can't live in a space that isn't completely clean and neat. Between working full time, rehearsing monologues, and getting a new job at the bar, I have lost all sense of organization in my closet. Shoes have been thrown all over the place and every time I look in there is makes me nauseated... Okay, I'm embarrassed I am even posting this on the internet but here it is... 

I started organizing my closet into what I wanted to give away and what I wanted to keep. This included shoes, shirts, dresses, shorts, jackets/sweaters and pants. I started at 10:00 and by 11:30 my closet was organized and the clothes that I wanted to donate were ready to be put in bags and loaded into my car. I snapped a photo first...
My cat Wabba was amongst the midst of shoes. I love her like she is my own child. It's ridiculous.

I ended up donating about twenty pairs of shoes, at least ten sweaters/jackets, and about ten shirts. I loaded everything into the bags and into my car and I headed to the Barrett House. I was really happy to donate all the things I never wear and that just sit in my closet to people who can use them and who need them. I am going to do that from now on. No more Buffalo Exchange for me ever again! 
After I left The Barrett House I ran straight to my 10th and final yoga class for this challenge. 

Dance/Personal Fitness Number 10

Date/time - January 29th, 2011 12:30

Type of class – Yoga II/III

Difficulty Level - Advanced

Studio and Instructor – Sports and Wellness, Pam H

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed going to yoga straight after doing a charitable deed. It felt really great to do that and then going to yoga right after was really invigorating. I know that I need to slow down and let myself rest, but sometimes the only place I want to be is yoga, and today was definitely one of those days.

What did you find challenging and why? – Sometimes diving forwards into forward bend and then coming back up my vision would get really blurry for about a half second, kind of like when you wake up in the morning and get out of bed too fast. It happened twice and then the third time it lasted about 3 seconds and it kind of felt surreal. I went into childs pose and stayed there until I felt like I could practice again.

Observations – From now on when I do those forward dives I think I need to do them slower, the head rush I think is happening because I am going up or down too fast. Other than that it was a great practice, and I loved shavasana again.

After yoga, I continued my busy day with a stop to UNM to work on monologues and then met up with Paul for my last coaching session. 

Coaching Session Number 2

Date/time - January 29, 2011 5:45

Instructor - Paul Roth
Minutes- 60

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing, Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me, and Gravity, No Good Deed

Points covered – We talked a lot about what happened during my little breakdown yesterday and how much better I was feeling today. We then went over Mama, then moved to Nothing. Went over slate real fast, then talked about legistics for the URTA audition. Then we moved to No Good Deed, and went through the music page by page, and Paul explained the music to me in terms of how to read it because I am terrible at reading music, which is what I was struggling with yesterday when we were learning it. Ryan came in at the end of my session, and I got to show him Nothing, and he seemed to like it, and it was so nice showing someone else what I am taking to URTA and NYU. I wasn't nervous at all. Sweeeet.

It was a great lesson. I absolutely love Paul. He is an amazing teacher and friend. He makes me feel so genuinely good about myself as a person and performer. I hope I can be that inspiring in other peoples lives some day!  
We had to make it good.

Daily Practice Session... second to last one!

Technical Concepts - Normal warm up, this time I did before I worked on monologues, which also helped with character warm ups.. added the me-ow and vowel scales that Kurt had introduced me to yesterday.
Minutes - 40 minutes

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing, Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me, Wicked, No Good Deed
Minutes – 28

Successes – Finally figured out the vowel scale thing that I could not wrap my head around yesterday. That really frustrated me beyond anything normal during my session with Kurt last time we tried it. Today I worked on it slow and had more than three hours of sleep and, hey, it actually wasn't
that hard. ha.

Areas for improvement – I had the actual vowels down in the scales but I was still getting "breathy" in head voice, and was having a hard time mixing up there. So I still will need a lot of work on that.

Notes: Singing for 29 days in a row I have been able to tell such a difference in the way my voice sounds and even feels. I rarely ever feel like I'm straining or trying hard to get the sound that I want, and it is so nice. 

Charitable Deed Number 4
Okay, this might be the longest blog of all time, but now I am going back and writing about my charitable deed number 4 which was volunteering at the Revolutions International Theatre Festival Kick-Off Party on January 11th and last night, January the 28th. The Kick-Off Party, I was originally planning on bartending, but there was a mix up, and I was asked to help with the info table, which was just as fun! I was at the front door, and greeted guests as the came in and offered them programs and told them about the Festival and answered any questions they had about the party, festival, Triclock Company, etc. Last night, I volunteered as a bartender (my specialty, haha) for the Moot and Something opening night reception. I got there early to help set up the reception. Tables, beer kegs, food, drinks, coffee, candles, lights, etc. Once the reception started, I helped serve Tractor Brewery beer, and after it ended I helped move the reception downstairs for the late night reception. 
Here is a pic of my volunteer shirt and a program from the festival. My phone died last night before I could snap any pictures bartending, and Jenni sent me pics this morning from the opening night party. Unfortunately I am super computer un-savy and couldn't get them to here is a link to her blog from that day, which she was nice enough to have added pictures of me to! Jenni, you are the best! 

OKAY... I think that's it. One more day of singing and it's over. It's been amazing. Special thank you's to my friend Sonia who text me every night to remind me to blog, my Mom who constantly puts up with my ridiculousness, Paul Roth, for making me feel amazing about myself every time I see you, all the other challengers, and especially Kurt Robinson. This is all because of you. Honestly. 

See you all tomorrow!! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28

Ahhh, cutting it close tonight! It's 1130... it's official, I'm exhausted. Do I keep saying this? I'm sure I do. I just got back from volunteering at the Revolutions Festival, which knocks out Charitable Deed numero 4. Donating clothes to the Barret House tomorrow for numero 5 and I will be done! Woot! 

Private Lessons Number 4!!

Date/time - January 28, 12 p.m. 

Instructor - Kurt Robinson
Minutes- 75

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing, Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me, Wicked, No Good Deed

Points covered – Started with normal warm up, added mee ow mixing and vowel scales. Todays warm up was really rough, and I had a little breakdown which Kurt and Paul were totally supportive through. I got really frustrated when I wasn't mixing like I normally do and I just kinda lost it. Granted, I had worked until 4 a.m. and woke up at 7 a.m. so that was probably part of my inability to handle the frustration but as soon my eyes started welling up the tears started rolling and they didn't stop. Am I just sad the challenge is ending? Concerned about NYU/URTA auditions? Tired? Probably a combination of everything. Kurt and Paul talked me through the little breakdown and we just talked about how hard I have been working and how I need to give myself a break and not be so hard on myself. We talked about my San Francisco trip and what I need to do to make the trip/auditions less stressful then sang through Nothing, and Mama Who Bore Me. After that we started working on No Good Deed. I brought it as a challenge because of the mixing aspect. That song was definitely challenging and will take some time to learn. 

Notes: I really do need to stop being so hard on myself. I really am my worst critic and I have been working hard. Nothing is ready for my auditions and my monologues still need some work but are where they need to be. 

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Warm ups as usual
Minutes - 20

Repertoire - A chorus Line, Nothing, Wicked, No Good Deed
Minutes – 22

Successes – Nothing is ready for Auditions!

Areas for improvement – I need to leave Nothing alone for a little while now, I don't want to "beat it to death"

Notes: I need to SLEEEEEP... plus I only have five minutes to post so I will blog/add pictures about Revolutions and Barret House tomorrow. I am also missing one yoga class which I will be taking tomorrow morning at 10:15 , and have my last coaching session with Paul tomorrow evening at 5. After tomorrow's blog, my challenge should be complete! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27

Okay, I still have an entire nights work ahead of me so I will be posting early tonight. Thursdays are literally 21 hour days for me since I don't typically get home from the bar until 4 or 4:30 so Fridays are the days that I am genuinely so exhausted that I sometimes don't make any sense when I wake up at 7:30 in the morning. I have to tell my boss not to give me any important tasks that might end up legitimately effecting the outcome of a case if its on a Friday. ha. Today marks the two week point to my NYU and URTA audition and I am starting to feel the pressure. I know I blog about this every day but it's true. I'm not really nervous but I guess I'm starting to feel the reality that if I don't get into grad school I don't know what my future will hold. I know I can't think like that but I know I have to prepare myself for that possibility. I left straight from work to rehearse monologues and felt like I got some good work in and once I got tired, I left. Like Kurt said with my songs, I don't want to over do it.

Charitable Deed Number 3

During my lunch break today I took an elderly woman who isn't able to drive anymore to run errands and also to a dentist appointment. Earlier in the week she had accidentally swallowed her own tooth (crazy I know) and needed desperately to get to a dentist. She had no way of getting to her appointment so instead of going to the gym like I normally do during my lunch break I took her. She lives up on Tramway so I ran from my office downtown and up to her house to get her and took her to the dentist on Eubank. It was a little tricky getting to the dentist because she only knew the office was on Eubank but didn't know the denist's name. I called her son, who was the one who had asked me to take her and told me that it was probably near Candelaria. I just took Lomas down from Tramway and kept an eye out for any dentist office until I got near Candelaria. A little past Candelaria there was a dentist office and luckily they had appointment for her. I waited in the waiting room for her while they looked at her missing tooth. Poor thing, they said they would have to give her a fake tooth that would cost three thousand dollars. While I was sitting in the waiting room I took some pictures... This one just happened to be my favorite...
I had never seen a bible in a dentist waiting room before. In any waiting room for that matter. I had to take a picture and post on my blog because I have really just never seen anything quite like it.
Other pictures of the waiting room in case you were wondering what it looked like...
I might have just been getting out of hand at this point but this is the dentist in case you were wondering what he looked like...

*I asked Kay to take a picture with me for my blog when I told her about my blog and about the challenge and she said "No photos, NO PHOTOS." She was very clear about that. I think she might have been self conscious about having the missing tooth in the front of her mouth? Also she is eighty years old and I'm pretty sure she didn't understand what I was asking her picture for. If getting a picture of the dentist wasn't sneaky enough, I did manage to catch a picture of her scheduling her next appointment for the partial which she will be getting next Tuesday (and yes, I will be taking her). 
By the way, she was wearing some really stylish Jackie O sunglasses and next Tuesday I am planning on asking her where she got them from. All in all it felt really great helping someone get around town who under normal circumstances wouldn't be able to. It made me feel really grateful for being young and able to do things without needing other people to help me. It kind of made me sad thinking about getting old and spending time alone all day and not being able to leave the house. Ah, even writing about it now makes me sad so I'm just going to stop here. 

Healthy Eating Healthy 25!!
Meal Description – Oatmeal with raisins/craisns 

Restaurant or Market – Starbucks

Rating – 8/10, good but not as good as Whole Foods! Yay! Finally done with the Healthy Meals portion of this challenge!! 

My Live Performance

Date/time - Sunday January 23, 2011

Show/Venue - Full-Voice 30 Day Challenge Recital at Marshall's Dance Studio

Program or Song Choice – Sarah Bareilles, Gravity and Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed getting together with other challengers and performing in front of an audience for a put together, planned out, performance. It was nice to challenge myself with a song like Gravity, because I normally wouldn't choose a song like that. I like songs that are "belty" and that are in chest and middle voice range. I mostly enjoyed being challenged. This whole month was, after all, about being challenged.

What did you find challenging and why? – Definitely singing in the mirror. That was sooo weird. It was hard to find a point of focus, because the focus was myself. I also was a lot more nervous than I would have anticipated. Also, I would have preferred to sing "Mama Who Bore Me" first, since I am much more comfortable singing that song. I think I would have felt less nervous singing "Gravity" if I would have sung it second.

Observations and Remembrances – All in all I think that it was great experience and I left with a lot of notes from Kurt that I have already started working on for my auditions in two weeks. The biggest note that I have already started using and have fixed is maintaining a direct point of focus and having a strong slate at the beginning of my song. Watching in my video especially for "Mama Who Bore Me" I am all fidgety. I have since fixed that when I practice my slating for Nothing in A Chorus Line.
"Mama Who Bore Me" from Spring Awakening
THANK YOU SO MUCH JENNI for recording, and more importantly uploading all these videos to facebook and youtube for us. You are amazing!!

New Song (Demo)

Song Choice – Sarah Bareilles, Gravity

Approximate time learning and coaching your song – 22 days, 15-20ish minutes each day

Describe your recording experience – This was definitely the most challenging song I have ever added to my repertoire. Sarah Bareilles is an incredible artist and after learning this song I am just in awe of her talent. I recorded this song as part of my performance at the 30 Day Challenge Recital, which is kind of frustrating because I definitely know that I can, and have sung this song much better than when I performed it on Sunday. I was way more nervous than I normally am singing/performing.

General Observations – 
I did try to keep in mind all of the notes that Kurt gave me our private lessons, and believe me there were a lot of them, so I at least feel good about that in this version of the recording. ha. The slate in this song is much stronger than Mama Who Bore Me, although I feel like the vocals in Mama Who Bore Me are stronger? Frustrating? I don't know, I think I'm still just a much stronger singer in my middle voice. That just means I need to keep practicing in my head voice, and that is why Gravity was such a challenging song. Especially in the "set me free, leave me be" parts. 

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Usual warm up along with Kurt's recording, trills, scales, mixing, chest, middle, head voice, breathing and strengthening exercises. 
Minutes - 28

Repertoire - Nothing and What I did for Love, A Chorus Line, No Good Deed, Wicked.
Minutes – 22

Successes – I felt really good about mixing today, especially in head voice. I was super into mixing today. It's become my favorite technique, and I really look forward to getting better at it.  

Areas for improvement – I just need to not stress out over think my auditions. 

Notes: I am volunteering at Revolutions tomorrow night, purging my closet and donating all my clothes (which I would normally trade at Buffalo Exchange to the Barret House for battered women) and have one more coaching session tomorrow and I will be done with the challenge! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26

It's a brand new day! I can't believe that there are only 4 more days left of this challenge. It's kind of freaking me out because it also makes me realize that there are only two more weeks until my auditions. Tonight I saw Wicked, which took care of my "See a live performance" part of this challenge. I also had a coaching session with Paul during my lunch break, and got in two solid hours of monologue work and finally found a space to rehearse without interruption. Woot! 

Private Coaching Session 

Date/time - January 26, 2011, 12 p.m.

Instructor - Paul
Minutes- 45 minutes

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing and Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me

Points covered – First, we recorded the accompaniment to Nothing so that I have it to practice with and also so that I have it to take it with me to my URTA auditions. Then I sang through it a few times and went over the notes that I had been singing wrong yesterday and made sure that I had fixed those mistakes. We discussed character points and practices slating. Then we sang through Mama Who Bore Me a few times and talked about bringing new music to the private lesson with Kurt for Friday. 

Notes: I am starting to feel so much more confident about my singing than my acting. I never really feel like there is a happy medium for both and it's kind of frustrating. 

Attended Performance

Date/time - January 26, 2011 7:30 p.m.

Show/Venue – Wicked, Pope Joy Hall

Performer(s) –Anne Brummel as Elphaba, Natalie Daradich as Glinda, David Nathan Perlow as Fiyero,  Michelle London as Nessarose, Marilyn Caskey as Madame Morrible and Don Richard as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed sitting down and going out to
see a performance of a musical that I love rather than running around here and there to rehearse for my auditions and  worrying about myself. It was nice to spend two hours enjoying watching other people perform for once. It seems like the last few weeks I have been so wrapped up in myself I haven't been able to sit back and enjoy the talent of others.
Observations and Remembrances – I saw Wicked at the Gershwin Theatre in NYC in 2006 and it literally blew me away. At the end of Defying Gravity I was in tears. The performance tonight wasn't as impressive unfortunately. The actress playing Elphaba (Anne Brummel) seemed vocally stronger than Natalie Daradich (Glinda) at first, but I was really disappointed during Defying Gravity. However during the second act both ladies really seemed to warm up their voices and both almost sounded like completely different performers. Brummel was especially impressive during "No Good Deed" and sounded almost exactly like Idina Menzel. I could tell exactly where she was using the "mixing" technique that Kurt has been teaching us since he has been in Albuquerque, and it made me want to start adding songs to my repertoire like that since I'm getting better at mixing. I think if I wouldn't have seen Wicked in NYC, I probably would have been pretty impressed, but I don't think anything could top my original experience of seeing that show with my mom at the Gershwin Theatre as my graduation present in 2006.

*Please keep a copy of the program for submission
Healthy Eating Number 24
Meal Description – For breakfast, Brown cow blueberry yogurt, and orange, banana, and tea.

Restaurant or Market – La Montanita Co Op

Rating – 9/10

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Usual warm up, lip trills, goo goos, muh muh scales, yogi bear and dopey sound, breathing/strengthening exercise scales.
Minutes - 20

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing, What I Did For Love, Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me
Minutes – 24

Successes – Mixing in middle and head voice is starting to feel really comfortable and strong. Since I work on it every day it is really improving.

Areas for improvement – I really need to add more songs to my repertoire. I know I do, tomorrow I will print more music and add it to my book. Promise, promise!

Notes: Will post videos from performance tomorrow.... still haven't completely figured that one out yet and only have 15 minutes before midnight and don't want to be late! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25, a.k.a. "everyone needs a good cry day"

Today started great. I had every intention of getting as much stuff done as possible... most importantly getting at least 2 solid hours in of rehearsing monologues. That did not happen. Believe me, I tried. I have been really struggling with finding a good rehearsal space for my monologues. My Henry the IV piece especially requires a lot of movement and space I am so close to my auditions at this point that I really need to be rehearsing in a room that is similar to where I will actually be auditioning. Luckily, I had the code to get into the large rehearsal space in the old architecture building, so I ran over there as soon as I got off of work today and planned on being in there as late as it took to feel like I got some solid work done on my audition slate. As soon as I started to feel "in the groove" I got kicked out by Susan Pearson. No big deal, I thought, I'll just run across the street. B409 was empty and the room wasn't signed out so I put my name in and started working. Not 10 minutes went by and two girls pop their heads in saying that they need the room for Ghost Sonata. Aggh. I peeked in across the hall and Kurt was working in there (man that guy is a hot commodity around here isn't he) and the X was also in use.... no big deal I thought, I'm sure I can find a room in Johnson. Still trying to muster the best mood possible I walked over to Johnson and luckily the dance room was free. About 20 minutes into my rehearsal a lady walked in and said that she had a class that was about to start. It was about all that I could do to put on my jacket and grab my things before I walked out of the room and immediately burst into tears. I literally cried the whole way to my jeep. I haven't cried like that in a long time. I'm sure I am over reacting but all I wanted to do today was work on my monologues and it seemed like the whole world was keeping me from doing so. Maybe I just needed to have the inevitable "this is one of the biggest moments of your life" breakdowns before my auditions, but I am not kidding this was one of those breakdowns. I have been so sure of myself lately that today's little hiccup kind of had me doubting everything that I have been so sure of.

Although I didn't get the work in today that I wanted, and needed, on my monologues, I did get another private lesson in with Kurt and Paul which focused on Nothing for my URTA audition, so the whole day wasn't completely a bust! 

Private Lessons/Coaching Sessions Number 3

Date/time - January 25, 2011 12 p.m.

Instructor - Kurt Robinson 
Minutes- 75

Repertoire - Nothing, A Chorus Line

Points covered – The usual warm ups, also added more breathing and strengthening/scales exercises, which is cool and gives me more material to work on. For Nothing, we focused on more character building/ideas for Morales. We got kicked out of the room, which actually worked to my advantage because we moved into the X and then I got to run through Nothing a few times as an actual audition situation. 

Notes: Before my slate I need to remember to tell the pianist that I will look down and that once I look back up that is the cue to start the music. Also need to play around a little more with character choices with Morales, but not over do it or think about it too much. It's time to start adding more music to my repertoire. Next meeting with Kurt and Paul I'm going to show them my monologues! 
Healthy Eating Number 23
Meal Description – Brown Cow cherry vanilla yogurt, banana, orange and Yogi egyptian licorice tea

Restaurant or Market – The Co Op

Rating – 9/10

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Usual warm up along with recording from last private session with Kurt. A little different because we added more breathing/strengthening/scale exercises.
Minutes - 35

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing and Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me
Minutes – 28

Successes – I am starting to find some comfortable character choices with Morales. I only ran through it a few times because like Kurt said, I don't want to over do it or over think it.

Areas for improvement – I wasn't singing the notes right on "I felt Nothing, I felt Nothing" today. I was getting it right when I was singing it later today because I kept singing it over and over but I just need to remember it.

Notes: I am going to bring new music to add to my repertoire for my next meeting with Kurt on Friday.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24... Last Week!

Okay, today begins the final week. I have a lot to accomplish still but I am up for the challenge. I have gotten this far and I am determined to make it to the end. I had a pretty productive day, and per usual, I am exhausted. I went to bed last night at 7 o'clock, which is a tad bit ridiculous, but I honestly needed it. I got in a private lesson with Kurt and Paul today, a yoga class, two healthy meals, and worked with Kristen Loree on my monologues (which isn't part of this challenge but is terribly important for my auditions which is less than three weeks away). All that and I worked all day at the law office. Oy.

Private Lessons/Coaching Sessions Number 2

Date/time - January 24, 2011, 11 a.m.

Instructor - Kurt Robinson
Minutes- 75

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing and Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me

Points covered – Started with warm up, then worked on Nothing. Went through the song and decided what we were going to use since I only have 30 seconds for the URTA audition. Then we made cuts and talked a lot about character. Then worked on Mama Who Bore Me and talked about the meaning of the song and having a better understanding of the beginning of the play and the lyrics.

Notes: Need to work on keeping a direct focus when playing Morales. She is a tough city girl who doesn't let her guard down ever. It was much more believable when Kurt made me play my focus towards someone in my life who had really hurt me in the past. It was much more believable that way. I need to do that in my auditions, rather than try to play something I'm not.

Healthy Eating Number 21
Meal Description –  For breakfast, oatmeal with blueberries, almonds, a banana and an orange

Restaurant or Market – Whole Foods

Rating – 10/10 my favorite breakfast

Healthy Eating Number 22
Meal Description – Chicken, spinach, and green chili instead of dressing

Restaurant or Market – Smiths

Rating – 8.5/10

Dance/Personal Fitness Number 9

Date/time - January 24, 2010

Type of class – Hatha Yoga

Difficulty Level - Intermediate

Studio and Instructor – Defined Fitness, Misa

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed Shivasana. Honestly, the last few weeks, it has become the most gratifying experience in yoga for me. Although it only lasts two to three minutes, it feels like 20. It almost feels like an out of body experience sometimes. Before I would think about what I was going to eat for dinner or what my plans for later that night would be but now I feel the most calming, relaxing, indescribable feeling that I think shivasana is actually meant for.

What did you find challenging and why? – Again, the room was freezing and I was wearing a tank top. I need to remember to wear long sleeves. It's really distracting when I am so cold and it's hard to feel my fingers and toes sometimes.

Observations – One more yoga/dance class and I will have fulfilled this part of the challenge! 
Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Normal warm ups along to Kurt's recording as usual
Minutes - 25

Repertoire - A Chorus Line, Nothing and Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me
Minutes – 33

Successes – For the most part have Nothing memorized... Happy to finally have worked with Kurt and Paul on Nothing as well.

Areas for improvement – Need to work more on character choices with Morales, especially with finding a point of focus and sticking to it. 

Notes: Have another private lesson with Kurt and Paul tomorrow, looking forward to getting more work done! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23! What a day!

Aye, I ended up with a massive migraine after tonight's recital, so I'm blogging now and heading straight to bed to hopefully get some sleep. Today was a great day, with a lot of successes, but I also came out of it feeling like I have a lot of work to do still. I began the day with a dance class, and I am not the most coordinated person in the world. If I want to continue with musical theatre in any way, shape, or form, I am going to need a lot of work. Let me repeat that... a lot of work.

Dance/Personal Fitness Number 8

Date/time - January 23, 11 a.m.

Type of class – Dance, Musical Theatre

Difficulty Level - Intermediate?

Studio and Instructor  – Gold Cup Gymnastics, Jonathan Ragsdale

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed hanging out with fellow challengers and practicing dancing, because as much as I hate to admit it, I am a terrible dancer.

What did you find challenging and why? – As I mentioned above, I'm a terrible dancer. And it was really hard following the choreography. When they were teaching the steps and using the dancing terminology, it was really hard to pick it up so quickly and follow along. I felt really lost, and it made me realize that I really have no business going to an audition with heavy choreography any time soon.

Observations – I had fun, but I left the dance class kind of feeling bad about myself and my dancing skills.

Healthy Eating Number 19

Meal Description –For breakfast, whole grain cheerios, banana and orange

Restaurant or Market – Smiths

Rating – 8.5/10

Healthy Eating Number 20
Healthy Eating

Meal Description – Tomato basil soup with lowfat cheese

Restaurant or Market – Smiths

Rating – 6/10, kinda made my stomach hurt after I scarfed it down

Daily Practice Session
Technical Concepts - Warmed up along with Kurt recorded warm up, lip trills, goo goos, muh muhs, baby cries, mixing, breathing, strengthening, chest voice, middle voice, head voice.
Minutes - 30

Repertoire - Sara Bareilles, Gravity, Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me.
Minutes – 30

Successes – Mama Who Bore Me feels really strong.

Areas for improvement – Honestly, not feeling very happy with Gravity, which is frustrating for how much I have worked on it in the last three weeks.

Notes: Really ready to put Gravity away for a while and start focusing on Nothing for my auditions.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 22

Happy Saturday everyone. I feel like I keep saying "today was productive" but honestly, I every day I  continue to get a lot of stuff done that I really need to get done. I woke up early and took the hardest yoga class that I have literally taken in my life. I also took headshots with Daniel Hulsbos (who is amazing) which I am going to take to my auditions. I really needed to get those done, and am so happy that I can finally take that task off my list.

Dance/Personal Fitness Number 7
Mindy kicked my butt. I look exhausted.

Date/time - January 22, 10:15

Type of class – Yoga III

Difficulty Level - Advanced (Hardest Class OF MY LIFE)

Studio and Instructor - Sports and Wellness, Mindy

What did you most enjoy? – I most enjoyed not passing out, honestly. So hard. So, so hard. Mindy was not messing around when she taught this class.

What did you find challenging and why? – I felt so weak today. Staying in poses took all of my energy and strength. I even fell out of this crazy pose that I had never even heard of before that involved crazy bends and twists that I can't even remember now.  

Observations – Yoga 5 days in a row might not be the idea next week. My body might need a one day rest. Looking forward to Jonathon's dance tomorrow though.

Healthy Eating Number 18

Meal Description – For breakfast I had a Cliff bar, banana, orange and throat calm tea with honey.

Restaurant or Market – Smiths

Rating – 8/10

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Nice long warm up to Kurt recording like usual, starting with lip trill scales, yogi bear goo goo's, muh muh's, baby cries, mixing in chest voice, middle voice, head voice... Then moved to breathing and strengthening/scale exercises. I especially love warming up on the weekends because I'm not forced to do so in the morning before work. I wasn't rushed and I got to sing in the afternoon after I had got to sleep in a little and take yoga at 10:15. Great way to start my day.
Minutes - 45

Repertoire - Sang through Mama Who Bore Me a few times, since I'm singing it tomorrow for the recital. I love singing this song even though it's not at all a good song to take to an audition it's a song that I think goes nicely with the strengths of my voice, especially now that I have been focusing a lot on mixing, and have really started to understand the concepts of mixing in chest, middle and head voice. Then sang through Gravity, since that is my second song for the recital tomorrow.
Minutes – 45

Successes – Kind of already mentioned above with Mama Who Bore Me and Gravity. I'm really happy that I have learned so much about the concept of mixing in this challenge. If it weren't for this challenge, I would be none the wiser and wouldn't have that technique to use to my advantage as a singer at auditions or in other singing situations.. It's been so beneficial. Sometimes it gets frustrating when I'm practicing mixing, but eventually if I can master it (crossing fingers) I know it will be so rewarding.

Areas for improvement – Having trouble in gravity on the "set me free, leave me be" in head voice. I think it just might be "in my head" ha ha.

Notes: Looking forward to tomorrow!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21

mmmm SO sore today after three days in a row of yoga. I can barely move. I also worked until 4 in the morning then woke up for my day job at 7, so needless to say I am exhausted. Will be crawling under the covers as soon as I am done blogging. There was a time that Friday nights meant dressing up and going out with my friends to drink and have fun. Now Fridays are designated solely to my cat and my bed. ha. My how times have changed, and I honestly wouldn't change it for the world. All the work I am doing is for myself and towards a goal that I want for myself and only myself. A year ago that wasn't the case. I was willing to structure my life around the dreams and goals of someone else without even realizing it, and it's in the last few weeks that I have opened my eyes to the fact that I am so happy that I didn't sacrifice my dreams for a relationship that wasn't what I thought it was. Being selfless in that relationship almost kept me from chasing my own dreams and I am so incredibly lucky that I didn't let it get that far. Now when I am tired, or when I start doubting myself and get frustrated while rehearsing monologues/songs, I have to remind myself that I may not even be in this position and I should be happy to be on this delirious path towards my own life journey towards grad school/getting out of New Mexico. Because honestly, I could have been engaged and pregnant right about now (not that there is anything wrong with that because there isn't), but I have woken up to realize that that is really the last thing in the world that I want right now. THE LAST THING that I want. I am too selfish. And I'm not ashamed to say that. I have no business having children. Or being married for that matter. I have way too many things I need to experience before I can commit to taking care of someone else. I want to sing, dance, act, live and this challenge has given me such a perspective on the things that I need and want that I will carry with me for a very long time. 

I always thought blogging was so cheesy and now here I am doing more blogging than filling out my practice logs. I find it really therapeutic, even if no one really reads it.  Funny how stuff like that sneaks up on you, huh?

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Warmed up this morning after about 2.5 hours of sleep. Honestly, it wasn't pretty, and honestly, I was less than half awake while I was getting ready/warming up. Same as everyday, along with Kurt recorded warm up. Lip trills, yogi bear goo goos, muh muh's, mixing, head voice, chest voice, middle voice, head voice... 
Minutes - 15 minutes

Repertoire - Sara Bareilles, Gravity, Spring Awakening, Mama Who Bore Me, A Chorus Line, Nothing
Minutes – 15

Successes – Met today with the Full Voice Recital Group and Zack to go over our songs. I was kind of nervous but it went well I thought. Mama Who Bore Me went really well, actually, especially since it was pretty rusty. That song has been in my repertoire (not as an audition song) for a year and works really well for my middle voice (which is probably the strongest aspect of my singing). Gravity was a little scary at first. I think I was nervous singing in front of everyone, which is silly because everyone is super supportive (especially Cierra). The tricky part of this song for me is if I don't go for it at the bridge then it just goes downhill for me fast. The second time we ran through it I just "went for it" with confidence and it sounded and felt much better. 

Areas for improvement – Like I said above, I can't be timid at the bridge. I was super timid the first time Zack and I went through the song and it was all wrong. Plus I didn't have enough air, and I couldn't get through the "bringing me down." Also I need to keep in mind all the notes Kurt gave me in our private lesson. When to use the whisper effect, when to be stronger, etc.

Notes: Overall I think I am ready for Sundays performance. Of course, I would love more time, but don't I always say that?

Healthy Eating Number 17

Meal Description – Grilled Shrimp and Mushrooms with Grilled Onions and rice

Restaurant or Market – Mariscos Altimar

Rating – 8.5/10